Travellers, Turnpikes & Tar: 1000 years of Scotland's Roads

When & Where

This is a Scottish Local History Forum event.
Friday, 4 November 2011 - 9:45am to 4:30pm
Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JP

Event Details


09.45- 10.15 Coffee & Registration
10.15- 12.15 - Morning Session
10.15 Welcome

Diana Webster
What came first, the road map or the road? Map sources for Scotland's roads 1550-1950

John Harrison
Not quite a trackless waste : Scotland's pre-Union roads

Charles McKean
The impact of wheeled commerce upon the Scottish 18th century burgh

12.05 Questions

12-15 - Annual General Meeting

13-00 Lunch -Map Slide Show

14:00 - 16.30 Afternoon Session

Mary Craig
Pilgrims, penance and pathways

Stuart Nisbet
17th & 18th Century communications between Glasgow and Port Glasgow

George Dixon
Beyond Wade and Telford: the making of Strathspey's roads and bridges, 1710s-1830s

Nigel Bishop
Milestones, mileposts and waymarkers in Scotland

Alistair Durie
Early motoring and the roads: dust, mud and danger

16.00 Questions

16.30 Close



SLHF members £15 or £20 with lunch.
Non-members £22 or £27 with lunch.

Event Location

Renfield Centre
260 Bath Street
G2 4JP

Other information