Growing up in Twynholm Parish 1820 – 40: The Memoirs of John McKie.
When & Where
Event Details
Our November talk will be a presentation about John McKie who left a journal describing his long and varied life. A copy of this journal recently came into the Society’s possession. The pages covering his early years have been researched by members of the history society, and, in collaboration with his descendants, the society plans to publish this section of his memoirs with an explanatory commentary. David Devereux and Donald Henry - a direct descendant of John McKie - will present selections from John's memoirs to demonstrate what a valuable and unique local history resource it is.
Growing up in Twynholm Parish 1820 – 40: The Memoirs of John McKie. Kirkcudbright Parish Hall November 8th 7.30pm. Members free. Visitors £3
This meeting will also be streamed via Zoom. For details contact

Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.