Independent Museums: definition and diversity, and achieving resilience
When & Where
Event Details
Independent Museums - definition and diversity, and achieving resilience
A webinar/online event which is focussed on the £4million Recovery and Resilience fund will take place by Zoom at the end of this week:
Friday 11th September: 9.30am - 12 noon
This new fund is being administered by Museums Galleries Scotland and is, crucially, open to non-accredited museums which come in all shapes and sizes. This raises significant questions about 'what is classed a museum', and this is taxing both the community heritage sector and MGS. Who qualifies for this fund? And how do you successfully articulate what you are?
This webinar will open up that question, with panel members from a' the airts - from traditional museums to ecomuseums, and with Karen Brown bringing in the latest discussions worldwide as the whole heritage sector looks at what it means to be a museum.
This event is open to all without booking. To get the link, email Catherine Gillies at
The programme:
9.30am Presentations lasting max 5 minutes from the following panel members:
Joe Traynor - Museums Galleries Scotland
Dr Karen Brown - University of St Andrews and ICOM committee
John Beveridge - Maid of the Loch (steamboat project, Loch Lomond)
Jacquie Aitken - Timespan Heritage and Arts, Helmsdale
Clare Cooper - Cateran Ecomuseum
tbc - 6th participant
10.00am- 10.55am: discussion and questions for the panel from attendees
5 minute break
11.00am - 12 noon: Practical session where you can ask questions about the Recovery and Resilience Fund and how best to apply. The panel members will be:
Joe Traynor - Museums Galleries Scotland
Annie Tunnicliffe, Luing Consultancy, professional fundraiser
Catherine Gillies, Ergadia Heritage, project and activity planning

Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.