Stewart 700 Conference

When & Where

Saturday, 10 September 2016 (All day)
Paisley Abbey, Paisley, PA1 1JG

Event Details

9.15 Registration

Talks start 10.00
Prof. Richard Oram (University of Stirling) From Colonists to Kings
Dr. Stephen Boardman (University of Edinburgh) Lord of the Westland
John Malden (Slains Pursuivant of Arms) The Impact of Stewart Heraldry
Dr. Warwick Edwards (University of Glasgow) Good ear, voice rawky and harsh: The Stewarts and music

Lunch Break

Dr. Sally Rush (University of Glasgow) The Scottish Royal Palaces and the Stewart Golden Age
Margaret Lumsdaine (Maria Stewart Society) The rich dynastic inheritance of Mary, Queen of Scots
Dr. Alan MacDonald (University of Dundee) The Union of the Crowns

See booking leaflet below.


Paisley Abbey Office
0141 889 7654


£30 with picnic lunch or £25 no lunch

Event Location

Paisley Abbey


Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.