East Dunbartonshire Heritage & History Forum

East Dunbartonshire has many groups active in the promotion and investigation of local history and heritage, many of which are Member Organisations on the SLHF website. The East Dunbartonshire Heritage & History Forum is a meeting place for representatives from each of those groups and aims:
- to promote local history and heritage in East Dunbartonshire, and in its individual communities
- to support local history collections in East Dunbartonshire held in archives, museums, libraries and heritage centres
- to support the development of heritage and history centres in East Dunbartonshire
- to organise, and assist others organising, heritage and history events
- to develop a heritage and history publications programme
- to purchase appropriate equipment for the use of member organisations
- to co-operate with groups sharing similar interests, locally, regionally and nationally
- to support and encourage research projects undertaken by member organisations.
The representatives of the 15 or so local history groups in East Dunbartonshire meet in the Forum every one to two months to take an overview of local history and heritage matters, commonly with a focus on events across East Dunbartonshire or nationally (eg Doors Open Day; Local History Week; etc). We also liaise with groups and individuals in neighbouring Authorities to develop initiatives of a more regional character. We do not run a meetings programme per se but an important part of each Forum meeting is the reporting by individual representatives of their group’s activities in the preceding month.