Ayrshire Federation of Historical Societies Conference is coming to Millport!
Millport: Habitat, Heritage, Holidays
Please join us at our conference, which this year is on Millport, and, all about Millport!
Millport Field Centre, 16th September 2017
Chairperson: Lady Glasgow
10.30 Coffee & Registration
11.00 lntroduction
11.15 Buteshire: Geographical, Historical, and Topographical, Rob Close
11.35 The Battle of Largs, Ted Cowan
12.10 The Big Cumbrae and the Bute Estates, Lyndsey Nairn
12.45-2.00 Lunch [provided]
14.00 A Dark Green De Dion Phaeton: Bute and 1903 Motor Car Act, Rob Close
14.20 Millport for the Holidays, Alastair Durie
14.55 The Story of Millport's Marine Station, Geoff Moore
15.30 Dorita Fairlie Bruce's Firth of Clyde, Beth Dickson
Fee is £15, including refreshments and lunch. For more information please contact Rob Close:
e-mail: craigbraecottages@gmail.com
telephone 01292 590273
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